

10 EASIEST Fiverr Gigs With NO COMPETITION - For Beginners To Earn $1K Per Month

Many people make a lot of money form Fiverr as freelancers but it not easy to compete and break through if you are a beginner, here are some gigs with less to no competition on fiverr which requires no skills to start.

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10. BEING SOMEONES FRIEND : What if I tell you today that someone can pay you to become their online friend ! YES someone can pay you $30 to become their friend for a day and  that’s exactly what this guy does.

Wait don’t go yet because this is the number 10 on the list and the ones that follows are more easier and cooler. And before this video ends I will show how people are making free money on fiverr without doing anything.

9. MAKE OTHERS LAUGH : Another bizzare way people make money on Fiverr is making others laugh. Wait what ? 

Seriously look this guy get paid $65 to make someone laugh for 1 hour straight so if you think you are funny enough to make others laugh, then you can create you Fiverr gig and get to businesss. 


8. BIRTHDAY WISH :  Are you the type who is always the first person to wish others a happy birthday even if you are not, wishing someone a happy birthday is nothing much of a job ? Everyone can start making money with this Fiverr gig.

 This guy  right here make up to $20 per a birthday wish. His gig video is actually funny thou but you can do it your style.

7. TRANSCRIPTION : This next job can pay ranging from $5 up to $60 per order. Transcription is one of the easiest job on Fiverr since you can start with no skills and acquire the skill on the job. Transcription simply means turning an audio or video into text, but why would people hire you transcribe their audio or video to text ? Most of the people who request for a transcription jobs want to re purpose their work into blog post and articles. With the help of AI tools like Spechify, Auris and Happy Scribe you can turn any video or audio to text within minutes without having to listen and manually type the script.

Proof reading is also one if the job that doesn’t required much skills. This type of job involves you reading and correcting grammatical errors in a book or any written content. Many authors rely on proof readers to read and help them correct grammatical errors before they publish their book and other written contents. Since you are watching this video I will give you a cheat code to proof read contents without doing it yourself, thanks to an Ai tool Grammatically you can just copy and paste the written the written content in it and it will correct all grammatical mistakes and you can then copy and send it back to your client.

5. BETA READING: When authors or any form of writers writes a book or any form of written content they want people to read it first and their give comment, suggestions and rating for the book to be better before release and you could be one of them. See others are averaging $5 to $150 per book they read. Beta reading unlike proof reading doesn’t require you to correct any mistakes in the book, all you have to do is read it an give feedback to the author. 


This even gets easier when you use Ai because with the use of a tool like Audi Book Maker you can simply turn the book into audio and listen to it whiles you do other stuff.

4. TRANSLATION: I was surprised how people are easily making $5 to $150 per job they do in the gig. In this era where many Ai tools are available at our finger tips ?

The gig am talking about is the Translation gig and when you search translation on fiverr   people are really making money with it for example this guy….

What they they do is basically translate a file in one language to another like ENGLISH TO BRAZIL. Talking about AI there are many AI tools like the DeepL, Sonix and even google translate ! Wait what ? All you have to do nis to copy and paste the text file in any of these translators ,choose the language you want it t translate to and hit translate.



3. PLAY GAMES WITH OTHERS : When I was a kid I loved to play mobile games, pc games and playing games on a console because I didn’t like playing outside and was mostly indoors. I still play games thou but not that much, this next gig on the list is for those who like to play games either with you smartphone, a pc or a gaming console. When you head over to fiverr and type in I will play games with you, there are a lots of people who are willing to pay play games with example if you someone who loves playing call of duty mobile (CODM) you can see from the search result that others can pay you an average of $5 to $70 to play CODM with them. An if you play any type of game just type it in here and you will find someone willing to pay to play with you.

2.LISTENING TO OTHERS : As humans statistics shows that we spend about 70-80% of our day communicating and in this 55% of it is listening. Personally I love to listen to others and help them solve their problems just like I love to make youtube videos for you guys so I will also appreciate it if you subscribe to the channel. 


If are a  listener and a type who can advice someone in a situation, you can start making money on fiverr by doing this. You can get paid up to $50 to listen to and advice people. 

1. ACCEPTING TIPS : Would you like some free money ? Then the next job on the list today will show you how to get it. Yes you don’t have to do anything just accepting tips from others. People set up gigs to accept gifts and tips from others without doing anything for them. All you need to do is to setup a gig like this on fiverr and get paid doubled without doing anything because the people who tip you will again pay for your service on fiverr.

So which of these jobs will you start ? Put it in the comment section of the video below.

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